[Mldxcc] CQWW CW - WX6V

Jim Venneman wx6v at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 25 21:07:16 EST 2007

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: WX6V
Operator(s): WX6V

Class: SOAB(A) HP (900w)
QTH: Auburn, CA

 Band   QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    0               
   80:    0         
   40:     6     6       3
     20:   72    56     28
   15:   29    24     10
   10:    0            
Total:  107    86    41  Total Score = 36,068

Rig:  IC-765, Alpha 78, C3-E @ 60', Rotable dipole (40) @50'
  Club: Northern California Contest Club

Comments: Just playing around over the weekend while putting up Christmas decorations.
  Picked up one all-time new one when I worked S21ZDX (#314/327) only 45 minutes into the event. Unfortunately, the high A & K indexes over the entire weekend meant very few EUs worked. Still - I had fun anyway!
  Jim  -WX6V-

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