[Mldxcc] Contest Academy by NCCC in Visalia

John Miller webaron at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 16:58:37 EST 2009

This year for the first time at the International DX Convention (IDXC)  
in Visalia, NCCC is sponsoring a Contesting seminar, which we've  
chosen to name:  "Contest Academy".

The name "Contest Academy" was chosen so it would not conflict with or  
be confused  with Contest University (CU).  However, the founder of  
CU, Tim Duffy (K3LR) happens to be attending the Visalia Convention,  
and I've invited him to make a few supportive introductory comments.

Inspired by a strong growing interest in Contesting at IDXC, NCCC is  
honored to provide what we hope will be a valuable learning experience  
for attendees.  Our primary goal is to cover the basics of Contesting,  
drawing from NCCC's 38-year reputation as a recognized participant and  
leader in amateur radio Contesting.

We have selected program topics which hopefully will be of interest to  
all participants.  Since we want to be "commercially impartial", NCCC  
is the sole sponsor of Contest Academy.

Contest Academy will be held on Friday, April 17, 2009 from 1:00 to  
5:00 PM.  The cost is $10, which includes a Contest Resource Kit.

You can read more about CA on the IDXC website here:  http://dxconvention.org/?page_id=204

NCCC is honored to be selected to provide this first contesting  
seminar as part of the 2009 IDXC program.  If successful, we hope that  
this topic and NCCC will become an integral part of future IDXC  
conventions, to help bring DXing and Contesting closer together.

73, John K6MM

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