[Mldxcc] FD Score

Jim Venneman wx6v at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jul 18 10:39:49 PDT 2009

Good morning,

At long last, I finally had enough time to sit down and figure out our Field Day score this morning. Sorry that it took so long to do this - I've been unbelievably busy every week since FD. Things are finally slowing down a bit this weekend.

Here's the breakdown:

80 meters   113 cw       114 ssb
40 meters   490 cw       205 ssb
20 meters   656 cw       316 ssb
15 meters     76 cw         17 ssb
10 meters       0 cw           5 ssb
  6 meters     19 cw         85 ssb
  2 meters       0 cw           5 ssb
GOTA       102 cw         91 ssb  8 rtty
Totals     1,456 cw        838 ssb 8 rtty  = 2,302    = 7,532 qso points

PLUS: 1,450 bonus points

Equals our total score of 8,982 points.

For purposes of comparison, our score last year was 7,618, which included 1,917 qsos for 6,508 qso points and 1,110 bonus points.  That's an improvement of 1,364 points or about an 18% increase over last year.

For those of you that like a more complete analysis of band by band comparison with this year over last, here's the data:

80 meters  -  227 vs. 352 = 125 decrease
40 meters  -  695 vs. 628 =   67 increase
20 meters  -  972 vs. 777 = 195 increase
15 meters  -    93 vs.  92  =     1 decrease
10 meters  -      5 vs.    0  =     5 increase
  6 meters  -   104 vs.  15 =   89 increase
  2 meters  -       5 vs.    1 =     4 increase
GOTA      -   201 vs.  50 =  151increase
BONUS     1,450 vs. 1,110 = 340 increase

So - there ya go. The obvious increases were on 20 and 6 meters. No surprises there, considering the vastly improved antenna systems that we had this year on those two bands. The biggest drop was on 80 meter cw - 100 fewer qsos this year than last. Looks like something to focus on for next year. Our 340 point increase in bonus points came from the GOTA bonus (+160 points), the educational activity with the scouts (+100 points), and the youth operators bonus (+80 points). 

Thanks to all of our operators this year (AI6V (Carl), KF6T (Jack), WC6H (Rich), K6NV (Bob), K6ST (Barry), KI6ESK (Curtis), N6RC (Dick), N6TU (Bruce), NU6T (Rich), and WX6V (Jim); plus 12 scouts that made several qsos each plus two adult non-ham visitors that made about 25 qsos. Thanks to Bob, K6NV for the use of his call and for securing the Martis Peak site for us. Thanks also to Rick, N6XI, for the use of his two K3 transceivers and peripheral gear, even though he had to be away for the weekend and thanks to Rob, KI6TRK, for bringing up our catered meal on Saturday evening. I would be remiss without acknowledging the scouts and adults of Troop 267 who spent 4-5 hours with us on Saturday learning about ham radio and for the educational activity that Barry and Curtis put together for the scouts. I will have a more complete writeup included in this month's MLDXCC newsletter (I'll also send out a copy to this our FD operators group who are not
 MLDXCC members). 

Jim  -WX6V-
MLDXCC Field Day Coordinator

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