[Mldxcc] Murphy report re: remote control from Mountain Mike's

Rick Karlquist richard at karlquist.com
Sat May 16 18:18:45 PDT 2009

I discovered that I had checked "obtain an IP address automatically"
but forgot to also check "obtain a DNS server automatically" (I
previously had a static address which was necessary to test IPSound).
It is now obvious why I got a message saying I was connected to
the internet but I couldn't reach Google.  I subsequently got the
useless message that I was not in fact connected to the internet
or Google is offline (nothing about couldn't connect to DNS server,
go figure).

After fixing that, I went back to Mountain Mike's and plugged into
their network.  I was able to connect to the internet after 10
seconds or so. I suspect the delay is due to a PPPOE connection.
After that, the net was fast.  I fired up IPSound and immediately
heard static from the radio.  I fired up TRX Manager and started
tuning around.  TRX Manager worked for a minute or so then the
Kenwood TS-570 got into a rare condition where the serial port
hangs.  I have only seen this happen maybe a half a dozen times.
This can only be fixed by power cycling the radio.
Although TRX Manager can turn the radio on and off over the serial
port, recovery from this obviously requires an independent means
of power cycling.  I don't have this means now, so no way to
fix remotely.  I went back to Galt and power cycled the '570
using the front panel power switch and everything went back to normal.

I will plan to add a way of power cycling the '570 and also the
confuzer.  The confuzer can be remotely rebooted if I can
get remote control of it in the first place, but if it is just
out to lunch or turned off, I again need an independent means
of power cycling.

Hope to have a better remote control presentation for August.
It will just be an overview and demo.  You can see that to cover all
the issues in detail would require an all day workshop.

Rick N6RK

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