[Mldxcc] [Fwd: Officer service time--proposed amendment to the by-laws]

Richard Hill rehill at ix.netcom.com
Thu Nov 12 19:08:47 PST 2009

Good day all.  Saturday is our annual elections meeting.

I'm resending this note to encourage everyone to consider an amendment 
to the current bylaws to allow Carolyn to continue as Treasurer by 
removing the three-year limit on officer terms.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Officer service time--proposed amendment to the by-laws
Date: 	Wed, 21 Oct 2009 13:14:29 -0700
From: 	Richard Hill <rehill at ix.netcom.com>
Reply-To: 	rehill at ix.netcom.com
To: 	mldxcc at contesting.com <mldxcc at contesting.com>

Per the discussion at recent meetings to allow officers to serve without 
a time limit, I move that we strike the following line from Article IV, 
Section 2:  "No person shall serve more than three consecutive terms in 
any office." 

I'm looking for discussion on the reflector and a second should someone 
feel so moved.

The reason to make the motion on the reflector is to allow discussion, 
and possibly to begin a vote, prior to the November meeting.  Carolyn 
has indicated a willingness to continue as Treasure, and has served more 
than three years consecutively. We appreciate her service.

Section 2:
No person shall serve more than three consecutive terms in any office.


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