[Mldxcc] SS-CW Standings: The Momentum Is Building!

John Miller webaron at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 16:37:52 PST 2009

OK, Landlubbers -- it's Crunch Time.  Less than 100 hours to go for  
the SS-CW Log Submission Deadline.  Here's how the Good Ship KB is  
faring on the high seas:

All Data As Of  3PM Today:

# Claimed Doubloons - NCCC Website:  11,266,120

Total NCCC SS-CW Logs Expected = 141

NCCC Logs Submitted To ARRL:  Total = 133  (Extra Grub For You Tonight!)
AA6YX    AC6YY    AD6E    AD6Z    AE6C    AE6RF    AE6Y    AF6EV     
AI6V    AI6YL    K2RD    K2VCO    K6AO    K6BJ    K6CSL    K6CTA     
K6DF    K6DGW    K6EEP    K6EP    K6GT    K6III    K6JEB    K6JS     
K6KQV    K6KYJ    K6LE    K6LRG    K6LRN    K6MI    K6MM    K6NV     
K6RB    K6RFM    K6RIM    K6RM    K6SRA    K6SRZ    K6ST    K6SU     
K6TA    K6VVA    K6WG    K6WV    K6XM    K6XN    K6XV    K6XX     
K6YT    K7DX    K7NV    K7XC    K9JM    KA6W    KD6WKY    KD6YV     
KF6T    KG6D    KJ6RA    KM6I    KT6YL    KX7M    N2NS    N3RC     
N3WG    N3ZZ    N5KO    N6AJR    N6BU    N6CK    N6DE    N6EE     
N6EF    N6GK    N6MEF    N6ML    N6NF    N6NZ    N6PN    N6RC     
N6RK    N6RO    N6WG    N6WM    N6XG    N6XI    N6YEU    N6ZFO     
N7TR    NA6G    NC6PT    NC6RJ    NI6P    NI6T    NO6X    NU6S     
NU6T    NW6P    W1RH    W4NJK    W4UAT    W6CT    W6EO    W6EU     
W6FB    W6HF    W6ISO    W6IYS    W6JTI    W6LD    W6NF    W6NV     
W6OAT    W6ONV    W6RFF    W6RGG    W6RK    W6RKC    W6SC    W6SX     
W6XB    W6XK    W6XU    W6YX    W7RN    WB6JJJ    WC6H    WE6Z     
WK6I    WT6G    WT6K    WW6D    WX6V

(Note:  Only one log needs CLUB name corrected:  N6RC)

NCCC Logs Not Yet Submitted To ARRL:  Total = 8 (In Danger Of Walking  
The Plank)

K6SV -- C'mon Georgie -- send in that Outlet from Ham Radio
K6ZM + WA6O both from WA6O -- You know his phonetics: Worth-About-Six- 
Operators !!
K9YC + W6BX both from K9YC:  I saw the Reverend Wednesday.  I'm at  
peace.  He'll Get Er Done.
N6DW -- Welcome new Mate, Dana Phillips from Granite Bay.  He's  
resubmitting his log for NCCC tonight!
W6NL -- Never worry when Dave's on board.
W6XX -- XX marks the spot -- Jim's also in this game to win the  

Club Standings:  # Logs Submitted To ARRL:

NCCC = 133
PVRC = 123
SMC = 82
YCCC = 48

Looking good -- but 10 Logs ahead of the Rival Ship Potomac is  
nothing.  Keep those SS-CW logs coming and get ready for the deciding  
battle this weekend.

Captain Flogger and I are taking no prisoners!

John K6MM
Every Skull, Every Toe

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