Chris Tate - N6WM ctate at ewnetinc.com
Fri Dec 3 11:02:32 PST 2010

Ok all,  In case you were not aware yet, the final submission deadline is coming up like a freight train.    So out in the open the process goes ;-).  We may very well have a good shot at this if we can get these submission issues taken care of  so far WE ARE AHEAD in logs submissions.  Rain static or not, it's our ability to SWARM that wins this thing!!

TO THE GENERAL MEMBERSHIP if you know someone on this list please help out, contact them, remind them  to finish the process!    

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Deadline:  On or before: 0300 UTC Tuesday, 7-December-2010  (That's 7:00 PM this Monday evening, 6-December-2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scores Not Reported, Logs Not Submitted Yet.  Total = 19.     

Ok.. please explain to me what the deal is here?  If you are on this list, please get reported AND submitted.. If you know someone on this list, please contact them and remind them the team is in need of their log!  
WE ARE ALMOST OUT OF TIME, you don't want to be on this list at all!  Problems? Email me, or call me  9254931626.  I will personally get you the help.  We can work it out!  If no action expect a call from a helpful representative ;-).  NO LOG IS TOO SMALL OR TOO INSIGNIFICANT!  

AA6XV     AI6YL     K3EST     K6AUC     K6MLF     K6RC     K6TA      
K6YRU     K6YV     KI6GVM     N6FR     N6GRJ     N6IG     N6RC      
N6TU     ND6S     W6YL     WB6QVI     WB6ZHZ

 Scores Reported, But Logs Not Submitted Yet.  Total = 8.   
Please submit your logs.
K6AAX     K6JS     K6OY     K6VVA     K6ZM     NR6S     W6NL     W6SR
**John, K6AAX has submitted his log, he just needed to update his club information as of yesterday.  Some big calls on this list, please folks let's get your logs in or squared away there simply is no more time to delay!

THANKS! Can you let us know how you did? PLEASE if you know anyone or are on this list, please report your score to 3830 or send to any of the NCCC leadership so we can have an understanding of our status as a club.  If you want to keep it from the general group no problem we can accommodate that just state that and send me your score!

AF6JP     K6EU     K6KQV     K6WV     KA6MAL     KE6IUE     KE6WC      
KI6ORO     KI6ZHD     KL1WE/W6     N3FAW     N5KO     N6BCT      
N6GEO     N7TR     NA6G     WB0AJS

73/KB-- THIS IS IT, the final push..  GOOD LUCK NCCC!  



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