[Mldxcc] [NCCC] Ameritron RCS-4 and 6m

CATFISHTWO at aol.com CATFISHTWO at aol.com
Sat Jul 3 17:23:54 PDT 2010

AHH The old check and see if the filter works test...Hi hi
I did the same sort of  thing when I first set up my 6 m transverter  for 
the Orion, I tried to run it through the I.C.E. 421 filter and was less than  
happy then reset it straight to the stepir and it worked Much  Better.   

In a message dated 7/3/2010 4:59:25 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
rehill at ix.netcom.com writes:

OK,  while some suggest that 6m is only static anyway, a Low Pass Filter 
(Ten  Tec 5061) that puts 50 dB of attenuation on 6m does reduce signals 
a bit  <grin>.  Removed the LPF.  SWR OK  now.


On 7/3/2010 11:21 AM, Richard Hill  wrote:
> Anyone using an  Ameritron RCS-4 antenna switch with  6m?  I'm trouble
> shooting a new antenna setup (Arrow 4 element up  25 feet) for high SWR
> problems.  The Ameritron web page lists it  as ANT SWITCH, 1-30MHZ, 4
> POSITION, but goes on to say it has "VSWR:  1.25:1 from 1.5 to 60 MHz".
> In the shack, I'm seeing 10:1 or  so that the K3 tuner drops to 2.5:1 or
> so.  MFJ 259 seems to see  1.2:1 at 50.125 MHz.  I'll put a shorter coax
> on the antenna and  redo the 259 readings to check and try a Field Day
> set up without the  RCS-4, but wondering if others have used this setup
> with  success?
> Rich
> NU6T
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