[Mldxcc] Update: CQ WW WPX 2010

John Miller webaron at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 08:48:01 PDT 2010

At the last NCCC meeting, the question came up:  "How Did We Do In The  
WPX Contest Overall?".  Short answer:  Very Well -- I think.

Claimed scores for CQ WPX 2010 -- Phone & CW -- are now online:
Phone Logs:   http://www.cqwpx.com/claimed.htm?mode=ph
CW Logs:        http://www.cqwpx.com/claimed.htm?mode=cw

Since no club affiliations are listed online, it is necessary to first  
pull all the data from the CQ WPX database, and then compare logs  
submitted to our club roster.  Isn't easy, but eventually you create a  
giant spreadsheet -- and a nice picture emerges.

There were 61 SSB logs submitted by NCCC Members.  Assuming everyone  
properly claimed NCCC as their club choice, the total claimed score  
would be 153,433,872 points.
8P5A     AA6YX     AE6YB     AK6M     K3FIV     K6CSL     K6HNZ      
K6III     K6JAT     K6RIM     K6RJP     K6TU     K7XC     K7XE      
K9JM     KC6MMU     KD6WKY     KF6A     KG6YMN     KG6YPH      
KJ6RA     KM6I     KT6YL     KV6O     KX7M     KZ2V     KZ5OM      
N2NS     N3RC     N6AJR     N6NF     NA6G     NC6PT     ND2T      
ND6S     NG6S     NG6S     NM6G     NN6C     NO6X     NR6O      
NS6T     NU6C     NU6T     P40V     P49Y     W6FB     W6NF      
W6ONV     W6RKC     W6SX     W7RN     WA6ST     WA6TLG     WC6H      
WE6Z     WM6A     WM6DX     WT6G     WT6K     WT6TT

There were 52 CW logs submitted by NCCC Members.  Assuming everyone  
properly claimed NCCC as their club choice, the total claimed score  
would be 51,322,101 points.
AE6RF     AF6EV     AF6T     AJ6V     AK6M     K6CSL     K6LRN      
K6RIM     K6TU     K6VAR     K9JM     KA3DRR     KD6WKY     KE1B      
KE6QR     KF6A     KI6OY     KN6VVH     KR7O     KX7M     KX8X      
KY0W     N6AJR     N6DW     N6JV     N6WG     NC6CC     NC6RJ      
ND2T     NF6P     NG6S     NI6T     NN6NN     NR6O     NU6T      
NW6H     NY6I     P49Y     W1CU     W4NJK     W6IYS     W6ONV      
W6RFF     W6SX     WB6JJJ     WC6H     WE6Z     WF6C     WM6A      
WQ6K     WT6K     WW6D

Summary:  NCCC Claimed Scores (Million Points) (Kudos to MLDXCC &  
REDXA members for submitting their scores on behalf of NCCC):
61 SSB Logs =     153M
52 CW Logs =         51M
113 Total Logs =  204M

Comparison:  PVRC (obtained by comparing PVRC roster with claimed  
59 SSB Logs =     97.2M
60 CW Logs =      77.5M
119 Total Logs =  175M

Difference = 204M - 175M = 29M

The Usual Disclaimers:

1. These Are Unofficial Totals Based On Comparing Claimed Scores With  
NCCC & PVRC Club Rosters.
2. Numbers do not take into account mailed-in logs or final log  
3. Assumes the PVRC roster is up-to-date.
4. Assumes all NCCC logs properly indicate NCCC as their club choice
5. Assumes all logs were submitted before the log submission deadline  
and are not check-logs.

Assuming I haven't missed some heavy PVRC contributors, it appears  
NCCC may be in a great position to win back the USA Club Competition  
Award for CQ WW WPX 2010.

BTW:  The Bavarian Contest Club put forth a tremendous effort.  Here's  
their roster -- about 350 members:

I ran this roster through the claimed scores database, checking each  
callsign individually.  Depending on how their M/S, M/2, and M/M  
scores are apportioned, they may actually beat our all time record  
from 2002 of 253.5 Million Points.  We'll see.

Bottom Line:  It's always dangerous to put out this type of summary --  
lots of assumptions -- but as a Club, for WPX 2010:  We Showed Up.  On  
time.  Dressed to play.

Can't wait to see the final results.  Fingers crossed.

John K6MM

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