[Mldxcc] WX6V SS CW Score

Jim Venneman wx6v at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 4 23:29:02 EST 2012

            SSCW Score Summary Sheet

    CallSign Used : WX6V
      Operator(s) : WX6V

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP-ASSISTED
            Band : ALL
            Power : HIGH
            Mode : CW

    ARRL Section : SV
        Club/Team : Mother Lode DX/Contest Club

        Band    QSOs    Sec
        3.5              4        4
          7             37      37
        14             19      19
        21             16      16
        28              1        1
      Total           77      77

Time:  4 hours
Score: 11,858

I really had little time for operating this weekend. Still, with the few hours I 
did have,
I though it would be interesting to see how many sections I could work by only
working each one once. Ended up missing VT, NLI, NNY, WPA, KY, & AR for
the sweep. Actually, I rather enjoyed taking a break from SS this year.
Entered a bowling tournament on Saturday instead and did great. See - us 
have other ways to be competitive :>)
See y'all next contest.   Jim  -WX6V-

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