[Mldxcc] SS CW K6OK SO Unlimited LP

James jvarn359 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 5 00:15:11 EST 2012

ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW

Call: K6OK
Class: SO Unlimited LP
Operating Time (hrs): 22

 Band  QSOs
   80:    9
   40:  132
   20:   68
   15:  164
   10:   11
Total:  384  Sections = 80  Total Score = 61,440

Club: Mother Lode DX & Contest Club


I got 80 sections! A sweep!  What?! They changed the number of sections? Now it
takes 83? I can't help but think of Charlie Brown running to kick the football
as Lucy snatches it away at the last second...

Small pistol, all S&P, 100 W, Moxon for 15m and 20/40 inv vee dipole. Missed
ONN, SF, and NNY. Tnx to all ops for being on the air, it's really neat to hear
the bands twinkling with activity.

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