[Mldxcc] SS/ssb ONE frustration

Robert Hess w1rh at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 20 21:24:21 EST 2012

Interesting comment, Jerry.  Although I spent most of my time running, I did do some S&P and I heard very few VE's calling CQ.  The big one was a VE8 that I found on S&P.

I usually sweep SS but this time, with 902 Q's, I was still missing SF and NL at the end.  Really weird.  I have never missed more than one section.  Typically, the last sections for me to work have been SB and NT, but I had two NT's at the end and three SB's.

No problem working the new ON sections.  I had several of each call me when I was running.


 From: Jerry Bliss <jerry.bliss at gmail.com>
To: NCCC Reflector <nccc at contesting.com>; MLDXCC Reflector <mldxcc at contesting.com> 
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 9:09 AM
Subject: [Mldxcc] SS/ssb ONE frustration
de K6iii,

(a commentary)
Well, I am a bit frustrated re sweeping in SS...  I used to be able to do
that from time-to-time but lately with the ON sections being split
up into four sections,  I have not ever found a ONE section in the run
mode.  I only do part-time, H-n-P type of ops, here.  And I run
UNLIMITED so I can make and use spotting networks.  I watched for those new
ON sections so I can pounce on em.  Generally, speaking,
I join SS with a goal of sweeping in mind.  I am disappointed when I get so
close (like this past weekend) and come up 2 sections
missing (ONE & AR).  AR???  How can I miss AR?  Well, I did hear a couple
of em but they were H-n-P ops like me so didn't catch em.

So, are there any really active, dedicated ONE section ops?  Yes, I see
several of our group have successfully achieved the SWEEP,
so I know that at least one ONE was on.  Maybe the gung-ho SS ops back east
will mount a ONE DXpedition to satisfy the frustrated
deserving (hope springs eternal)!  Hey, on the bright side, I did work two
NT stations and even got a QC in 40m pile-up!

OK... "Get over it", you say!  Well, yes, its only a hobby but then,
everyone (I assume) likes to achieve their goals, be they short or long

73 es KB to all,
de Jerry, k6iii
(only slightly frustrated)
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