[Mldxcc] Convention

Jeff Stai wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 16:35:24 EDT 2013

I've always felt it was an honor to be able to organize the dinner for the
contest community every year.

Add my vote for staying at the VCC and not going back to the Holiday Inn.
As an additional data point the HI could not have handled the record crowd
we had for the contest dinner. What many may not know is that I had a
substantial waiting list for the Friday event. The hotel opened up a wall,
removed chairs from a room that were set up for the next day, and hung
curtains so that we would have room for more tables. At the HI, that room
is simply not available.

And the deal for the dinners that the K6MM and K6TD were able to negotiate
allowed us to bring in wine without extra charges and to also save $5 over
the cost of last year's dinner. Huzzah!

- jeff wk6i

On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 11:25 AM, Robert Hess <w1rh at yahoo.com> wrote:

> By the way, I also want to thank Jeff, WK6I, for the great job he did
> organizing the Contest Dinner and for selecting the speaker.  If there was
> one down side to the convention this year, it was probably the audio
> problems at the Contest Dinner, but it was still an enjoyable affair and an
> entertaining talk.
> Bob
> ________________________________
>  From: Dick Wilson <k6lrn12 at gmail.com>
> To: mother lode dx club <mldxcc at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 8:26 AM
> Subject: [Mldxcc] Convention
> We, for two, enjoyed the International DX Convention at Visalia
> more than ever due to the different venue.
> There was a hint in Convention co-chair's comments that SCDXC is
> not 'sold' on Visalia Convention Center which means back to Holiday
> Inn. (UGH!!)
> My suggestion; paper the Convention Committee with comments about
> how great the new facility was & hope they are leaning toward using it
> again next year.
> 73,
> Dick
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Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
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