[Mldxcc] California QSO Party

Robert Hess via Mldxcc mldxcc at contesting.com
Mon Jun 23 14:42:42 EDT 2014

Hello MLDXCC'ers,

I was happy to present our plaque at last Saturday's meeting, in Martel, for Top-Club, California, in the 2013 CQP.

We want to win again, this year, and it's not too early to get everyone thinking about it.  Thanks to Verne, W6VMT, We have two upcoming meetings, designed around improving our CQP scores this year:

July 26th, Old Spaghetti Factory, Stockton - Rick, N6RNO will give a talk on CW Contesting for those who can't copy CW.  Rick's method is different from K6OK's method, which was presented at our May meeting.  You guys that do only SSB can really help us this year if we could get you to try CW, so I hope you can attend this meeting.  Remember, a CW contact is worth two SSB contacts in CQP.  You want to be able to work the masses on SSB and get those double points on CW.

September (no date yet) - Stu, K6TU, will give his propagation talk.  It's always important to know which band is open and when, so watch for the date and location and try to attend this one.

As I mentioned in the Nugget, REDXA is a sleeping giant that has the possibility to produce a lot of logs and beat us.  CCCP, the new club on the block, has some serious contesters with serious stations, but limited membership.  And, by the way, there's one or two clubs in Southern California that could come to life again. 

If we can get together as a club, as we have done the past few years, and produce logs....lots of logs....no matter how many Q's are on the logs, we can win it again.

So, now is the time to straighten out the shack, fix or put up new antennas, learn CW, or whatever.  If you need assistance to get your station operating the way you want it to, put a note on the reflector.  We have plenty of mentors in our group and we have able bodies who can assist.


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