[Mldxcc] Fwd: Makrothen RTTY Contest this weekend

Jeff Stai wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 16:17:43 EDT 2015

At risk of being redundant... 73 jeff wk6i

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Why should you want to operate the Makrothen contest this weekend?

- Because any RTTY practice is good for preparing for the RTTY Roundup in
January. And there is a decent level of activity.

- Because of the scoring system - "Makrothen" is Greek for "distance" - you
can accumulate a large score with a modest number of contacts, for awards
like the NCCC 5 million point award.

The exchange is simply your 4 character Maidenhead grid square. If you do
not know it this can help:


Points on 20/15/10 are 1.0 points per kilometer between the center of your
grid square and the other stations grid center. On 40 it is 1.5 points per
km, and 80 is 2.0 points per km. Your logging program will handle this, and
if it doesn't the contest sponsor will rescore anyway.

The contest is broken into three 8 hour periods, with 8 hour breaks in
between. You still have your weekend. (In PDT: 5pm friday to 1am, 9am
saturday to 5pm, and 1am sunday to 9am.)

Note that if you are SO2R you must enter as a multi (class 3 or 4).

Here are the rules:


hope to see your print! 73 jeff wk6i

Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
Facebook ~ http://www.facebook.com/twistedoak

Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
Facebook ~ http://www.facebook.com/twistedoak

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