[Mldxcc] RTTY RU Score - K6KNS

Dave Sanders eprd2016 at pacbell.net
Sun Jan 3 20:21:35 EST 2016


Call: K6KNS
Operator(s): K6KNS
Station: K6KNS

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Folsom
Operating Time (hrs): 14

 Band  QSOs
   40:   29
   20:  227
   15:  110
   10:    1
Total:  367  State/Prov = 51  Countries = 12  Total Score = 23,121

Club: Mother Lode DX & Contest Club


My first time working a digital mode. I really enjoyed it once I got the hang of
it. Kinda addicting too. Being new at RTTY, especially in a contest, I did
S&P the whole time. As my log began to grow I set a goal of 400 contacts.
But a technical issue on Sunday morning put me behind time wise so almost
reached it. Fun stuff!  

Dave K6KNS

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