[Mldxcc] K6OK RTTY Roundup SOLP

JVarney jvarn359 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 3 23:34:21 EST 2016

Call: K6OK

Class: Single Op LP

 Band  QSOs
   20:   61 RTTY
   15:  108 RTTY
   10:   53 RTTY
   20:    1 PSK-31
   15:    7 PSK-31
Total:  230  State/Prov = 42  Countries = 12  Total Score = 12,420

Club: Northern California Contest Club


At the last minute I put up a couple of low dipoles to make a contribution
to the club. Glad I did, this is a fun contest, I'm going to rank it higher
on my list of favorite contests.

TS-590 at 90 watts. I used Fldigi and 2Tone. Most of the time they
performed equally; on a few occasions 2Tone worked better than Fldigi and
there were a couple of instances where Fldigi decoded but 2Tone didn't.
They complimented each other well I think, plus Fldigi allowed me to make
some PSK-31 contacts, which do count for points in this contest.
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