[Mldxcc] January 23rd Meeting

Dennis Moore dennis at mail4life.net
Tue Jan 12 11:25:37 EST 2016

The January meeting of the Mother Lode DX / Contest Club will be at The 
Country Café in Lockeford on January 23 at 11:30AM. They are located at 
18700 N Hwy 88 South of the the East Jack Tone Road (Jack Tone Byp). 
Phone 209-727-5745.

This will be an RSVP meeting with the restaurant wanting us to pre-order 
our meals. We have chosen 3 items from the menu for our lunch 
selections. The choices include choice of either coffee or tea and the 
price includes both tax and tip.

1. The Lockeford Burger: With either potato salad or fries. $16.00

2. The Tuna Melt: With either potato salad or fries. $13.00

3. The Chef’s Salad: $14.00

I have not yet heard back from the restaurant on if they expect one 
single payment or per customer, so please be prepared with exact change 
if possible.

I am collecting a list of your menu choices and still haven't heard from 
many of you, time is running short. Please submit your choice to me.

73, Dennis NJ6G
MLDXCC Vice President

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