[Mldxcc] DX Spot: K5P now on 21.210 listening .280-290

Rick WA6NHC wa6nhc at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 17:15:52 EST 2016

Not even a whisper here on 12.  Never loud on 15 either but I tried a 
few times.  I tried the vertical too, slightly lower reception, more noise.

I don't get it, the modeling and the history of the antenna shows it 
should blast that way, but on >17M it's not hearing them.  My sole 
suspicion is that their vertical antennas just aren't that great, along 
with the sucky solar conditions.  Directional arrays are the only way to 
go on a DXpedition.

At least they were about to get the lower bands and got LOUD once they 
fixed up the 160 antenna.  They are (time available) working on getting 
a better 80M antenna built so that may improve.  So far I have 160-20 
CW, 17-20 Phone and 20 RTTY (a flaming ZOO to get) so I'm not whining 
(much).  Nothing on 60M.

Oh well, on to the VP8 team, starting shortly.  That one I expect to be 
a challenge for the dipole.

Rick nhc

On 1/17/2016 2:05 PM, Richard Karlquist wrote:
> Just worked them on 12 meter RTTY
> ---
> Rick Karlquist
> N6RK
> On 2016-01-17 11:36, Rick WA6NHC wrote:
>> Building slowly, workable with some effort

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