[Mldxcc] VP8STI 30m RTTY

Rick WA6NHC wa6nhc at comcast.net
Wed Jan 20 21:56:49 EST 2016

Great job!  That's the one contact that fell through because there was 
so much, er, interference on my receiving end.  20 is strong around 
dinner time here (a bit late now) so you can try there.  I have them on 
40 as well which should pop up soon.

Good job!

Rick nhc

On 1/20/2016 6:54 PM, Dennis Moore wrote:
> Got him!! Switched over to the 43' vertical, 80 watts. Used the P3 to 
> look for a clear spot. Took about 45 minutes.
> Yee-haw! I don't hold much hope in getting any other bands but at 
> least I'm in the log, no confusion on the callsign.
> 73, Dennis NJ6G
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