[Mldxcc] IDXC 2017: Hotel Registration Information

John Miller webaron at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 13:47:32 EDT 2016

Dear Previous IDXC Attendee:

The 68th International DX Convention, sponsored by the Northern California DX Club, will be held once again at the beautiful Visalia Convention Center in downtown Visalia, CA.  The convention dates are April 20-23, 2017.

As a previous attendee, we wanted to send this courtesy email to let you know that Hotel Reservations will open for the convention on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 10:00 AM PST = 1700 UTC.  We will be using the Convention's Passkey reservation system again, which will allow you to book a hotel room online at any of the participating hotels.

Over the last five years, IDXC has continuously grown to be the most widely attended DX convention in the country.  It’s getting bigger and better every year, with attendance now topping 850 annually.  However it’s also a highly “compressed” meeting, with much content provided in a short time period.  Based on survey feedback, you seem to agree.  Therefore, we’ve decided to expand IDXC 2017 into a full 2.5 day meeting.

That means, we’ll start registering attendees at 3:00 PM on Thursday, April 20, 2017, and officially open the meeting on Friday morning, April 21, 2017.  During the day on Friday, we’ll conduct two training sessions (Contest Academy and DX University) and we’ll also have a full-track Seminar program with excellent speakers.  Additional seminar tracks and other program enhancements will be conducted over the weekend.  A preliminary program schedule is shown here:


Our primary purpose in offering more content sooner is to give all attendees more learning opportunities, more time for those eyeball QSOs with DX colleagues and friends, and overall a more satisfying convention experience.  Therefore, when you book your hotel room for the convention, please consider arriving on Thursday, April 20, 2017, to take full advantage of the Friday options.  

Here is the link to the main Hotel Reservation page, which will be updated with the Passkey link on Wednesday morning, June 15, 2016.


We intend to make IDXC 2017 the best DX Convention ever.  Please join us for opening ceremonies on Friday, April 21, 2017 — should be a rewarding experience for everyone!


John Miller, K6MM
Kevin Rowett, K6TD
Rich Seifert, KE1B
IDXC 2017 Co-Chairmen

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