[Mldxcc] Fwd: [NCDXC Chat] P5 - WFWL

Rick WA6NHC wa6nhc at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 17:05:56 EDT 2016


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[NCDXC Chat] P5 - WFWL
Date: 	Sun, 12 Jun 2016 20:03:41 +0000 (UTC)
From: 	Ross Forbes K6GFJ via Chat <chat at ncdxc.org>
Reply-To: 	K6GFJ at comcast.net
To: 	chat at ncdxc.org

I saw this on DX-World:

Earlier today, Dom 3Z9DX received confirmation from the North Korean 
government to make a return visit to P5 and operate amateur radio 
equipment for up to 5 days.

The dates of activity are not yet known, but it will be at very 
short notice. Dom will be informed of dates just a few days beforehand – 
he will get his luggage and go.

If you hear and work *P5/3Z9DX *in the next few days ahead without any 
further details, this will be real. It will be a single band operation, 
SSB only.

Dom will update DX-World with more news as he receives it.




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