[Mldxcc] VK0EK Tips

John Miller webaron at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 14:05:30 EDT 2016

Sorry for the long email….

I think some of you know that I’m one of the VK0EK pilots.  Thought I’d pass on these tips.

As you know, the primary purpose of any DXpedition is to offer ATNO contacts.  For that reason, VK0EK is not using the Leadership Board on ClubLog.  The result is that they’ve been able to keep their % Uniques around 35-38% after almost 30,000 QSOs.  That’s a good thing.

Their Current Challenges: 

Propagation.  The SFI is sitting around 87 and the SSN around 25.   Translation:  Band conditions suck.

Weather  Bob, KK6EK, wrote to me this morning:  "The weather conditions are not good--high winds, very, very cold. North wind coming in”.  
Note: This may effect their decision to go to Spit Bay which must be done via the Braveheart, not over ground.

Big Ben The Volcano.   (1) Reaching the West Coast on TopBand has been impossible thus far.  I don’t believe anyone in the Bay Area has worked them yet on 160M — or even heard them.  I have asked them to operate on 160M every day from now on from 1300z (their sunset) to 1430z (past our sunrise).  They were not on this morning — not sure why.  Let’s listen again tomorrow.
(2) HF signals to NA are largely blocked Big Ben, especially to the West Coast.

It’s now important for everyone to set realistic expectations.  If you’ve worked them already for an ATNO, that’s great.  Please be happy.

If you have not been able to work them yet, concentrate on the best Band-Mode possible from your QTH.  When and Where to work them?

If you look at ClubLog stats you’ll see that they have had most success on 30M, 40M, 15M and 20M — in that order — all on CW. 

https://secure.clublog.org/charts/?c=VK0EK#r     (click on Statistics)

Many Bay Area DXers have worked them on 30M or 20M.  Some with difficulty on 40M.  Only a few on 17M, and almost nobody on 15, 12, or 10.

My 3 QSOs are:   30M @ 0655z    20M @ 0745z    40M @ 0224z

30M — that’s the money band for this DXpedition.  Best times: 0200- 0700z and again at 1200-1500z
Last 1,000 spots on 30M from DX Summit:

40M CW.  Best times: 0100- 0400z and again at 1200-1400z.  40M SSB - try around 1300-1500 if you can hear them.
Last 1,000 spots on 40M from DX Summit:

20M CW or SSB.  Try 0300-0700z
Last 1,000 spots on 20M from DX Summit:

80M around 1330-1500 UTC
Last 1,000 spots on 80M from DX Summit:

160M around 1300-1400 UTC
Last 1,000 spots on 160M from DX Summit:

Bottom Line:  Don’t panic.  They’ll still be there 12 more days.  You should have a good chance to get them in your log at least once, even if they never move from Atlas Cove.
Just plan on staying up late or getting up early a few times. And keep repeating the DXer's Creed:  "Sleep Is Overrated".

John, K6MM

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