[Mldxcc] [NCDXC Chat] VK0EK Tips

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at karlquist.com
Tue Mar 29 14:33:42 EDT 2016

On 3/29/2016 11:05 AM, John Miller via Chat wrote:

> Note: This may effect their decision to go to Spit Bay which must be
> done via the Braveheart, not over ground.

Advice from a newly minted ("I didn't cross the bubble; the bubble
crossed me") HR member:  always work every day of
a dxpedition like it's the last day.  This is an example of why
not to wait "until the pile ups go down" "sunspots come up"
"they get the big antenna up" or "I'll sleep late this morning"
or in this case "wait until they operate from the other QTH.

> *Big Ben The Volcano*.   (1) Reaching the West Coast on TopBand has been

> (2) HF signals to NA are largely blocked Big Ben, especially to the West
> Coast.

"largely" != "completely".  Last night around sunset they were booming
in on 40 meters at S9, almost drowning out the idiots.  Many other SP
openings to the left coast.  Maybe high angle signals go over the
mountain.  There could also be skew paths like Amsterdam, although
the signals always seem to arrive at 30 degrees or 210 degrees.  Has
anyone observed skew paths?

Good luck.  I hope everyone can bag an ATNO.

Rick N6RK

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