Hi everyone,

It was so nice to hear so many 'loders on the air for SS.  I had a great time, and it was amazing because the only section I didn't hear was Hawaii! 

It won't count for MLDXCC or NCCC (I'm in YCCC now) but I thought I would share the results.  Last year I think I had something like 30 sections and 12,000 points. I had no 40 or 80 meter contacts - and now they are the bulk of my score!

 Total Contacts = 402
 Total Points = 65,928

 Operating Period: 2015/11/21 21:01 - 2015/11/23 01:56

 Total Contacts by Band and Mode:

 Band       CW   Phone     Dig   Total       %
 ----       --   -----     ---   -----     ---
   80        0     119       0     119      30
   40        0     124       0     124      31
   20        0      74       0      74      18
   15        0      78       0      78      19
   10        0       7       0       7       2
            --   -----     ---   -----     ---
 Total       0     402       0     402     100

I was exhausted at the end - it was fitting Steve K6SCA was my last unique contact.  Fitting because Steve was the person who invited me to join MLDXCC.  Thanks Steve!

So thanks everyone - hope to work you many, many more times.


Emily N1DID

"There are two ways to be fooled.  One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to disbelieve what is true."
- Soren Kierkegaard