My friend Tony Dowler (K6BV) — President of the San Francisco ARC — is managing the ham radio assets of silent key, Karl Gries (N6MAV).

Tony has asked me to post this information on several reflectors.  If you are interested in any items, please contact Tony directly:

Phone (home): 650-359-8888
Phone (mobile): 650-483-491

Thank you.

John, K6MM

Karl Gries N6MAV Estate

Unit Make/Model Description

Kenwood TL-922a Amplifier $800
Kenwood TS-940S HF Transceiver-Satellite $425
Kenwood TS-440S HF Transceiver-Satellite $375
Kenwood SM-220 Station Monitor BS-8 Pan Adaptor $250
Kenwood SP-930 Speaker $90
Kenwood MC-50 Station Microphone with Base   $25
Kenwood HS-5 Station Headset  $10
Yaesu FT-726 UHF/VHF Transceiver HF Unconfirmed  $350
Yaesu MD1-B8 Microphone with cable and yoke  $70
Astron RS-20M 20 amp Power supply  $40
TRIEX 40' Tower w/ Fulton K-1550 Wench   Best Offer