Thanks for sharing the prefill fill, Ed. You can bet I'll be using it.
For those who haven't used the prefill tool, I can't begin to emphasize how much this can assist you.....if you use it carefully. It's a way to double check what you're copying and it's perfectly legal to use but you use it to verify what you're copying and you never blindly enter prefill info into your log unless you're sure it's accurate.
KB and I hope to work you all this weekend.
From: Ed Muns <>
To: Robert Hess <>
Cc: NCCC Reflector <>; MLDXCC Lode <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 3:24 AM
Subject: Re: [NCCC] Fw: [WriteLog] RTTY Roundup prefill file
Hi, Bob. Here is a WriteLog pre-fill for RTTY Round-Up based on P49X logs over the past decade. It has 5648 unique call signs. The most recent data overwrites prior data. And, unlike Gary's prefill, mine includes stations who called me and didn't submit logs. Gary's is based on submitted logs to ARRL.