GL John. Aloha and Mahalo to you and team. Say hello and GL to Craig.
From: Chat []
On Behalf Of John Miller via Chat
Sent: Friday, January 8, 2016 5:18 PM
To: Chat NCDXC <>; MLDXCC Reflector <>;
Subject: [NCDXC Chat] K5P Palmyra Atoll - Starting Up Soon
Leaving tomorrow for Honolulu then Palmyra on Monday, 11-Jan. Should be on the air within 24 hours after arrival.
I’m hoping to update the K5P website with daily news during the DXpedition, so check back often:
We’ll also be in touch with our Chief Pilot Rich (KE1B), so if you have useful feedback for us, contact him at
And don’t forget to check propagation from your QTH using Stu’s great propagation service:
CU in the Pileups and Best of Luck !!
John, K6MM