It's not all that bad. They should exceed 50k QSOs handily. Solar conditions aren't great but at least they haven't had to contend with A=77 like we had for several days at TX3X.

Given equal number of radios on CW and SSB, it's not uncommon for CW to have a lot more QSOs. I suspect that's due to the QRM issue with limited bandwidth. You would have to spread out SSB to 50kHz to get the same sort of spread that CW can get with only 10 kHz (assuming BW of 1800 vs 400) ... SSB is tough!

73, Alan  AD6E

On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 10:55 AM, w6de <> wrote:

Think we have it tough working all bands and all modes


Look on Clublog at the K5P Dxpedition page and select Stats.  Take a look at:

the low number of total QSOs:

low number of EU QSOs;

and the 2:1 ratio favoring CW over Phone.


Conditions are tough for this DXpedition.  I’ll bet the team is even more frustrated than the Europeans.


Dave, w6de

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