They're SLOWLY coming up on 20 (14.022.983), with slow deep QSB and being spotted on higher bands as well...  I was able to get the ATNO on 40 last night (awaiting log upload to confirm), well after the east coast went to bed (midnight local).  The initial wall of signals ran well over 20 KHz up the band and was SOLID.  I heard them on 30 VERY loudly but the lidfest, up cops and sheer multitudes made it undesirable (I tried nonetheless).

Gray line helped A LOT (!!!!) as it does with Palmyra.  Good luck!

Rick nhc

On 1/19/2016 12:30 PM, Jim Marshall via Mldxcc wrote:
Heard him on 17 about noon... abt S1.. could not work him.
Jim, k6lr

On Tuesday, January 19, 2016 11:00 AM, Rick WA6NHC <> wrote:

Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 8:56 AM
Subject: Fwd: VP8STI
Update - as of yesterday:
Greetings from the VP8STI Southern Thule Island. We are now QRV with three stations and expect more stations to be QRV shortly. Our landing yesterday was very difficult. The initial team on the island had to wear wetsuits and go onto the rocks to establish safety ropes for team and equipment. One team member and one generator went into the ocean. The team member is recovering. The generator is not. The seas are very rough which makes bringing supplies to the island very dangerous. We are experiencing high winds and some snow. We are currently working through several critical issues:
1) Voltage sags on our three generators are causing our K3′s to experience problems.
2) We are missing parts to some critical antennas.
3) We are down one 6KW generator until the Braveheart can bring a backup generator.
We are still actively raising antennas and we hope to be QRV on 30, 40 and possibly 80 meters tonight. We plan to upload logs to Clublog each day starting tomorrow. Please know that we are doing our best under very difficult conditions and we hope to see you in our logs.
Today, at 11:58z, VP8STI started operations from Thule Island, South Sandwich on 20m CW.

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