The subject of RTTY messages often comes up, and it's good news that Don AA5AU is getting that section of his website back on line.

These examples are for Writelog, but with documentation for your particular logging program in hand, it should be straightforward to convert these.

73 jeff wk6i

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Don Hill AA5AU <>
Date: Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 1:41 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] RTTY Messages back on

Back by popular demand, I've started putting RTTY Message example pages back
on These pages were not moved over when I migrated to
WordPress. I was surprised at the number of people who used these pages and
I promised I would bring them back. Sorry it took so long.

The new message example page can be gotten to from the Tutorials menu on the home page. Or accessed directly here:

At present there are only examples for the ARRL RTTY Roundup and for the
upcoming BARTG RTTY Sprint. I hope to add examples for the other RTTY
contests before each contest. That way I should be able to get them all
finished this year.

If you find any problems on any of these pages, please let me know. I
greatly appreciate help in proofreading my work since I do not have a
full-time proofreader on staff. HI

73, Don AA5AU

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