EA5RM – VP8STI/VP8SGI Chief Pilot informs that today is day six on South Georgia Is. VP8SGI will do QRT at sunrise on February 8th. They are experiencing a G1 geomagnetic storm. This is greatly impacting the higher bands. However, VP8SGI team will continue to push forward.

The weather continues to be cold and windy. It is snowing and their noise level is higher than usual. Tonight they will continue their major effort on the low bands including 160 meters. They are planning to be QRV on 17 meters SSB during Sunday for those that need an ATNO contact with VP8SGI.

Due to the difficulties VK and ZL stations have to work South Georgia on RTTY tomorrow from 09:30 to 12:30z they will be on 14.080 RTTY listening up only for VK/ZL and Oceania stations.

Today they will try again on six meters. Yesterday, EA3GP was able to listen VP8SGI signal on 50.110 SSB. Probably today they will try on 50.110 CW around 16:00 to 18:00z and once again around 20:00 to 22:00z. Since they have not a beacon system, I will try to post on the DX Cluster each time they will be calling CQ.

They are working very hard to work everyone and they hope to see you in the log. Best wishes from the Intrepid DX Group VP8SGI team.