A part time effort of search and pounce for 14+ hours.  Looking almost exclusively for mults. on 10, 15 and 20M, plus giving out a few points.  Had fun, but every year keeping-butt-in-chair get more difficult. I think it’s called “old farts syndrome”  Am I the only one affected?..........................de Rick,W6SR  
ARRL DX SSB Summary Sheet
       Start Date : 2016-03-05
    CallSign Used : W6SR
      Operator(s) : W6SR
Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
Assisted Category : ASSISTED
             Band : ALL
            Power : HIGH
                ARRL Section : SV
        Band     QSOs    Pts  Cty
         3.5          10      30   10
           7           31      93   30
          14        186     558   81
          21        244     732   92
          28        134     402   55
       Total       605   1815  268
        Score : 486,420