I've been listening this morning on 1.818,50 for the last 1.5 hours (1245z to 1415z) but have not heard anyone calling them yet on their listening frequency = 1.816.50.  They were there on time, but the band just isn't open.  I haven't see anyone logged on DXA for TopBand yet today.

The VK0EK ops do use the ON4KST low band chat reflector in case that helps you going forward.

Both Rich, KY6R and I have asked them to call for NA more often and they're doing that.  

30M is still the money band of you haven't worked them yet.  Very doable with 100 watts and decent antenna.  Other good options are 40M and 15M.  Keep checking the spotting networks and DXA for openings.

And there was a rare 20M SSB opening last evening around midnight PST that gave many West Coasters an ATNO.  Might happen again tonight.

A communication regarding Spit Bay is coming soon.

John, K6MM