The Word on Spit

From early in the conception of this project we planned to activate two sites, a main location with all bands at Atlas Cove, and a limited operation for a short period from Spit Bay on the other side of Heard Island. The Spit Bay operation was designed to improve our ability to make contacts to western and central North America, which from Atlas Cove is the other side of Big Ben, the 9000-foot volcano in the center of Heard Island. However, now that the operation from Atlas Cove is well underway, we are finding good openings to the west coast on many bands. We are VERY aware of the areas that still have a huge need – and will work hard to work you in these areas.

Furthermore, Matt, the captain of the Braveheart, has been looking a reasonably safe weather opportunity to land and extract a radio team at Spit Bay, but so far we have not had one. As we enter the second half of the expedition, we have to consider what will be the most productive strategy, and it seems to us that continuing the operation with a full complement of operators from the Atlas Cove location will be more effective than dispatching part of the team to Spit with uncertain weather openings.

Please use our support team to inform us of propagation windows we might be missing so that you can get your ATNO. They will analyze this input and where they see trends they will pass it on to the operating team.

Dave, K3EL – Radio Team Leader and Bob, KK6EK DXpedition Leader