The MLDXCC May meeting will be held on May 14th at Max's/Holiday Inn in Auburn.

General club meeting starts at 11:30am with the presentation to follow.

Max’s/Holiday Inn – Auburn*

*110 Grass Valley Highway*

*Auburn, CA 95603

*Program .......Past president Bob, W1RH will give three short presentations:

1 - Sweepstakes 2016 and 2017 - We won the gavel in 2016.  Can we do it in 2017?
2 - A New Direction for NCCC? - Using this meeting as a focus group
3 - AM Radio QSL'ing - How AM radio listeners got their QSL's in the 1920's - 1930's.
Please send our Vice President, Dennis, NJ6G an e-mail   so he can give the restaurant a head count.