An related question:

I was just looking at the WPX rules and noticed this club rule:

B. USA Clubs: Participation is limited to club members residing and operating within a 250 mile radius circle from the center of club area (except for expeditions organized specifically for the contest conducted by members who reside within the club circle).

First, the club circle is 250 miles .. different than ARRL.
But the other thing is they allow "expeditions". OK, I'm pushing it here, but I still have my station in San Jose. My FCC license address is San Jose. I have a CA drivers license. I'm registered to vote in CA. So, can I operate WPX with a KH6 club call and it counts for MLDXCC?  Granted, I didn't come here specifically to operate in THIS contest. It's only one reason among many.

Another legal question: Does a 3 element SteppIR with single element 30/40 plus an 80 vertical count as "TriBand & Wires"?
Not that I care that much. Just curious. I think it does. I probably won't make too many Qs on 80 given my S9 QRN.

73, Alan  AD6E / KH6TU

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 3:24 PM, Jerry Olive <> wrote:

Going to work the contest this weekend.  Does the club want the points?


Jerry Olive KD6WKY


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