What starts today?
- It's CQ WPX CW - 5
PM local - An NCCC Focus Contest.
- This is the first
contest in a NCCC internal individual competition.
- This is the first
contest in a NCCC internal team competition.
Just what is this
NCCC individual and team competition all about?
- This will involve
several contests between now and the next Awards Banquet.
Included are both domestic and DX contests, HF and VHF
contests, and even some of the Sprints.
- The individual
competition will be not unlike WRTC ranking system. The team
competition will be fun and very unique.
- Members work the
contests they want to work. Some will be NCCC Focus contests
and some will be "featured" contests. Points generated from
the focus contests (like WPX) will go to NCCC. Points
generated from "featured" contests (like CQP) can go to the
club of your choice but will still apply in both the team and
individual competition within NCCC.
Want to
learn more about the individual and team competition (W1RH /
W1SRD) and about the advantages of recording the audio from an
entire contest (N6TV)? Attend the June meeting and be sure to
RSVP to Ian.
let's KB in WPX CW.