On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Jeff Kinzli N6GQ <jeff@n6gq.com> wrote:
I don't know whats involved, but would it be possible to get a few members (myself included) to host a few linked repeaters at their QTH? Between all of our club members throughout the circle, seems we could get pretty good coverage for the club, and use them for contest/DX-related activiities.
I have a spot in the foothills to offer.... but now I'm sad I gave away all of my Motorola Syntors to a friend in So Cal (he and I used to convert them to ham use). Maybe he still has them. 73 jeff wk6i
Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff@gmail.com
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
Facebook ~ http://www.facebook.com/twistedoak
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