There are SEVEN great reasons to do so:

1. You were planning on it anyway.

2. We have to post scores and see who won. This already works for other contests.

3. Makrothen is a unique distance based contest with a unique 24 hour format.

4. All major contest loggers already support it.

5. It would be a shame to lose such an interesting and already supported contest.

6. We then have a year to figure out how to properly continue it.

7. It's fun!

I will be on from W7RN in Nevada, USA. I hope you will be too! PLEASE spread the word to your local contest groups.

thanks and 73 - jeff wk6i

On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 5:56 AM, GL-DJ3IW-Web <> wrote:
Hell RTTY contesters,

I just talked to Waldemar, DK3VN on the phone and he told me that the
Makrothen contest is discontinued. So there will be no Makrothen contest
this weekend.

 73 de Goetz DJ3IW

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