Hi All........
The next MLDXCC meeting is scheduled for Saturday 22 October, we would like to publish our newsletter 5-7 days before the meeting.
Soooooooo.............I would like to have all your inputs by 14 October. 
Have you have:
Purchased any new (or new to you) HAM gear? 
Have you reached any milestone in your life, or HAM career, including Contest or DX awards?
Have a recent shack photo?
Or is there any significant event in your family that you wish to share? Please do so.
I also need the Prez / VP reports.  As well as Tube of the month.
Last week, W1SRD operated the Oceania Contest from Lord Howe island.  Steve I need your story, and a few pics.
Photos?  We all love photos so please include them, however, keep them to 300K or under since some of us don't have hi-speed cable service in the foothills.
I have mentioned this before, and shall again, this newsletter is only as interesting as you make it!  So please submit. 
TNX de Rick,W6SR