I barely remember being in the contest last year, I think I set up my Buddipole in the last minute.  I took 1st in the CT Section in Mixed, which technically is my first contest using CW where I made a mark of any kind.

I have to thank Steve K6SCA bunches for that because had he not invited me to that first MLDXCC meeting I would not have seen the presentation on CW for non-CW operators.  After that I started to refine my understanding of the CW signal and how to set up my radio.  It worked well enough to have over 230K Points in CQWW SOAB LP this year and I am still using the ZS6BKW Verne gave me (though I built another one and put them at right angles.)

So thanks Steve and everyone for their encouragement in my short time living in the MLDXCC sphere. 

Cheers and Happy Holidays to all!

(who also worked the 160M Contest for the first time)

If you lie down with dogs don't complain you got fleas...
Old Yiddish Saying