For anyone chasing NPOTA stations, I just got this announcement. Not really contesting and not really DX, but what the heck .. it's radio. . So just a little off topic.  And, no, I don't think they are really trying to make QSOs with DMR. That just wouldn't be right.

Aloha, Alan  AD6E / KH6TU


FYI, the Marianas Amateur Radio Club plans on operating from the War in the Pacific National Historical Park in Guam on Dec 28, 29, 30th Guam Standard Time (Dec 27, 28, 29 HST).  Ed, KH2L is one of the coordinators.  They will also be on DMR and can be reachable on the Hawaii-1 or Guam TGs and may be announcing while on the air on North America and WW English TGs. 

Carter, KH6FV
