The RTTY Roundup is a week and a half away, on January 7-8, 2017. Everything you need to know is right here:
I write the RTTY Roundup results article for QST. The quality of the article is only as good as the input I get from you, the enthusiastic participants. So please do think about writing down your experiences in the RU, and send them to me or post them on or put them in your soapbox with your log. (I'll find them!)
Also, QST loves good photos, and those are what get into the magazine. So be sure to take some high quality RTTY operating photos, or photos of you safely doing station tasks, tower climbing, etc. Photos with people in them are definitely preferred.
Last year we had a great response to our call for plaque sponsors. Last year's list of sponsors and recipients can be found at the end of last years results article here:
If you would like to sponsor this year - note that any Division plaque is fair game, or maybe even make up your own category - please contact Bart W9JJ atÂ for details.
Have fun in the Roundup! 73 jeff wk6i