
I've had the same tower in San Jose since '89 and it was at least 13 years old then. Great tower !!

Maybe just my situation, but the motor control (I assume from Rick yours has the optional motor drive) wiring is poor to say the least. Instead of modifying it to make it better I just got used to it. 

My motor control has two toggle switches. One is simple AC ON/OFF. The other is UP/DOWN momentary.  If your's is the same, be careful. If I switch on the AC with the UP/DN in the center position the motor doesn't know which way to go and stalls. It also blows the 20A circuit breaker in the house. Not good. I have to hold the UP/DN switch in the direction I want it to go FIRST before switching on the power. Once the motor starts, I can release the Up/Dn and stand back to watch it.  My tower has no sensors for the end points .. up or down. So if I let the motor run all the way to the mechanical stops it stalls the motor and blows the breaker. So I watch it going up and down like a hawk. When near the end I have to manually switch off the power. I hope your control is NOT like mine, but if it is, be careful. 

Have fun with it and be safe.

73, Alan  AD6E

On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 10:52 AM, Rick Samoian <> wrote:

Well it worked FB for 14 years for me.
Inspect all pulleys & cables lube them well, B sure the motor is completely dry B4 powering. Never power motor with tower on the ground
de Rick
Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 1, 2017, at 1:15 PM, Robert Hess via Mldxcc <> wrote:

That's W6SR's old tower!

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Friday, March 31, 2017, 9:09 PM, Dennis Moore <> wrote:

I have this old LM-470 that's been kicking around the club for awhile :-)

Haven't decided on an antenna yet, seems I ran out of money today. :-(


On 3/31/2017 17:49, Rick Samoian wrote:
> So Dennis........What are U putting up?  Or did I miss that
> e-mail?...............Rick

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