California Assembly Amendment to Permit Two Way Mobile Operations
TO:  All Radio Amateurs and Registered Voters in California

Very soon, the California State Assembly will be voting on AB1222, an amendment to the Law that was enacted January 1, 2017,  that made mobile radio operations illegal in this state.
Many of the assembly members are laboring under the assumption that the language contained in AB1222 (present form), sufficiently resolves the issue and excludes two way mobile radio operations from the law that was enacted January 1, 2017 (AB1785). The Assembly in general may think the problem is solved.
 IT IS NOT, and we have sent communications to all 80 California State Assembly members on this issue, voicing our concerns that the language of AB1222 does not go far enough, insofar as completely clarifying and excluding mobile radio devices with corded microphones from enforcement to the existing law. 
In the current bill as amended, the use of a "handheld device" (a microphone for example), can be cause for a citation, while operating a mobile radio while driving.
At this point, we have carried the effort about as far as we can.  It is now time for all registered voters and parties of interest in the State of California to now become involved in this matter. 
We are asking that commencing this Monday, May 8, 2017, you contact your respective State Assembly Member (phone calls are preferred), and express your support for the Amendment to AB1222, that is being proposed by our ad hoc Organization:  " Amateur Radio Operators of California -
(You do not need to be a licensed radio amateur to call and voice your support for our proposed amendment.  Your family, friends, and neighbors can do this too!!!)
Please go to the following link for information on locating your Assembly Member's contact information and telephone number.  There is also a short "script" that you can use when speaking with the receptionist, or other staffer, when you politely ask for their support of our amendment language:
Earlier today, we heard back from a ham who called his rep... " I just talked to my Assembly person office in Sac. He said that the Bill WAS rewritten to specifically not include HAM and two way radios..." 
Again, the current amendment to the Bill is ambiguous and needs further clarification, which we have already provided in writing to all  80 Assembly Members.  Our proposed edits can also be found on our website.
If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Jim Aspinwall - NO1PC (408-828-8100)
Norm Lucas - WB6RVR (916-284-3737)
Glen Pitts (209-477-1671)