This is the last high activity RTTY contest before the Roundup in January, and I think a pretty fun one.
And alas, it's not on the list for the KB award but perhaps the powers will consider it one day.
Like the other WAEs this one features QTCs, which of course you don't have to do. But if you do want to try, there is excellent setup help at
Single op low (100W), high, and multi. Single op works 36 of 48 hours, 60 minute breaks, everyone is assisted.
Exchange is 599 and serial number.
Multipliers are... everything! Just about actually: all DXCC entities, except for W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA, PY and RA8/RA9 and RAØ <- these count as mults by call area number.
Also, you multiply your multipliers by 2 on 28/21/14mhz, by 3 on 7mhz, by 4 on 3.5mhz. (See why this would be great for KB? :D )
Rules here: