Great advice and tips Dave, I may get up early tomorrow to give them a try on 80m.

Dennis NJ6G

On 11/10/2017 16:48, w6de wrote:

I finally worked VK9ML this morning on 80 and 160 meters on my third day of trying. 

I run 1,000 watts and have an Inverted L for 160 and an inverted V on 80.  It might be easier for them to hear you if you have more power and/or better antennas. 

Please note: I have a low noise floor on both 160 and 80—no S-meter level showing.  In the time window I note below I am always hearing some signal from VK9MA.  They are very-weak to weak and I never see them move the S-meter.

Here are some tips to make it easier for you.