288 x 67 = 38,592 in SS math

Tough sledding from out here although KH7XS was waaaay ahead.  My goal in this one was to work club members, but got carried away a little. Missed many "easy" mults and worked several hard ones. Missed both east AND west PA. How do you do that?  But then I worked TWO VE8s, KP2, several KL7s, NNY, etc. Heard but couldn't work VO1, VE1,, VA2 (loud) KY, AR, and many others. 

Oh well, it's SSB  Almost no runs, mostly S&P. Slow rate gave plenty of opportunity for some rag chewing.

Station is almost back to full bore. Second Steppir now fixed and working but didn't really try SO2R except to monitor a second band. Mostly only one band was open. Sometimes even that was questionable. Started on 15 about 2 hours late. Couldn't hear anyone but my neighbor, KH6CJJ was working people I couldn't hear. Forgot that the 2 element is mounted backwards. When I ho hit the 180 button .. then things lit up.

R1:  K3, Acom2000 (now fixed), 3 element SteppIR (now fixed), dipole on 40
R2:  K3, KPA500, 2 element Steppir, 80 vertical (stuck on 3510 so useless in this one)

KB  Alan  AD6E / KH6TU