I am introducing a number of amendments to the Articles of Association and the By-Laws that are designed to grant voting privileges to the President and the three Vice-Presidents. They would have voting equality with the Directors on all matters with one notable exception. They would not be able to vote in elections for the officer positions.
I believe that this is long overdue. We look to elect from the Board those who we feel would be the best leaders of the Board, yet we take their vote away as the price of admission. That diminishes their authority and their ability to lead. It also makes the potential officer talent pool smaller as, perhaps, the best person for the job won’t run for an officer position because they lose their vote.
It doesn’t make sense to me to continue this practice. Let’s get away from the “that’s how we always have done it” mentality.
It make sense that we allow the officers the right to vote. Yes, it does change the political landscape but I think it’s for the better and it will make the Board stronger.
I’d be interested in what you think on the matter. We have over a month to come to a consensus.
Thank you.
73 de Mike N2YBB